Hey there golf enthusiasts! Are you tired of playing with dirty, scuffed-up golf balls? Well, have no fear, because I'm here to teach you how to clean those little white balls and make them look as...
Category: Golf Balls
As someone who loves hitting golf balls at Topgolf, I know firsthand how much fun it can be. But like any golfer, I also worry about my clubs. After all, those babies ain't cheap! So when I...
Can You Clean Golf Balls In The Dishwasher Or Washing Machine?
No one likes dirty golf balls, and more importantly, dirt and grime on a golf ball aren't good for your game or the longevity of the ball. Regular cleaning increases the lifespan of any golf ball,...
Many golfers opt to go to the driving range to practice their golfing skills and have fun with their friends and family members. Golfing is a great way to relax and enjoy a long, drawn-out game...
There are a few engineering challenges that Topgolf facilities must try to solve to make their games fun and challenging – but affordable. Firstly, the longest distance from each bay is about 215...
Can You Clean Golf Balls With Hydrogen Peroxide, Bleach, Or Vinegar?
The one golf accessory that is often ignored and yet essential for the game of golf is the golf ball. Undeniably, golf balls go through a lot on the golf course, from being hit continuously by the...
Are Golf Balls Good After Being in Water – Are They Waterproof?
There are a lot of rumors and misconceptions about the impact of water on golf balls. Do they rot away in the pond? Can you fish them out and use them? Are golf balls good after being in the water...
It is a common misconception that if a golf ball stays on the shelf or in the bag, it will become faulty. This concern becomes a lot more pressing if the ball has spent some time...
If you are interested in golf or have just started playing the game, you may have been confused about the numbers you find on golf balls. Knowing what these numbers represent can help you become a...
If you’re considering raising some extra cash by selling old golf balls and want to know whether golf balls are worth anything, you have come to the right place. The question about the...
Since the dawn of civilization, we humans have looked up at the stars and wondered about, well, a lot of things. How did the universe come into existence? Will it ever end? Are we alone out...
Everyone wants to be the best golfer possible on the course, whether you're playing with your friends or professionally. However, most people don't consider that golf ball storage plays a vital role...
There is always something new to look forward to in the world of golf. The sport’s popularity has endured over the years, and in this time, both the ball and the clubs have changed a lot due to the...
Rock hard, extremely bouncy, and most of all, extremely sturdy, golf balls are among the more peculiar objects in the world of sports. They are extremely lightweight and feel hollow, but what happens...
Everyone knows that golf is an expensive sport. While some expenditures like buying golf clubs are a one-time expense, there are many recurring expenses, such as golf balls and greens...
The idea of having magnetic golf balls has a lot of controversy surrounding it, with some being strongly against the concept (as it could introduce newer ways of cheating). The positive aspects of...
According to Healthline, playing golf can be healthy. Despite being slow-paced, it encourages regular aerobic activity and has even been linked to a lower death rate. However, while golf may...
A whopping 1.2 billion golf balls are manufactured all over the world each year. Of course, it’s easy to research quantities but does everyone know what they are made out of? If you have a...
The lifecycle of a golf ball can be described as a story of resilience. There’s no doubt about the fact that they can take quite a beating. They can also survive most of the natural settings of...
According to the Danish Golf Union, approximately 300 million golf balls are discarded or lost in the U.S. alone each year. Whether you’ve launched your golf ball into the water, lost it in weeds,...
Golf balls all relatively look alike, but this doesn’t mean they’re all the same. Those new to golf often wonder whether golf balls really matter or if they can play with any ball that’s in...