Are Most Golfers Right Or Left Handed?

Are Most Golfers Right Or Left Handed?

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Golf is all about skill, technique, and practice. People often spend over a decade practicing their ability to become pros and take up special fitness training to prepare. There are also several opinions that being left-handed makes a person a better golfer.

But is that true? If it were true, a significant percentage of the golfers in the world would be left-handed, especially the pros. I decided to do a little digging and have written this blog to answer this question.

Therefore, the following material will provide facts and help explain whether there’s any truth to the assumption.

Are Most Golfers Right or Left Handed?

85-90% of the world’s population is right-handed, which leaves only 15-10% of left-handed people or those who are ambidextrous. Hence, it is no surprise that there is a higher percentage of right-handed golfers than left-handed golfers.

Only 5% of the PGA golfers are left-handed, with the remaining being right-handed. Therefore, there are more right-handed golfers than left-handed golfers in the world.

Does Being One or the Other Affect Skill Level?

To some extent, the left-handed and right-handed skill difference theory is based on the right-brained, left-brained theory. People like to believe that left-handed people are better at sports, among other things, and remain convinced despite the lack of scientific evidence.

Several researchers have attempted to find out if there is any truth to these theories, but they haven’t received conclusive results. Hence, there is no reason to believe that being either affects skill-level, especially when it comes to golf.

Most of the world is oriented toward right-handed people since they are in the majority. Therefore, several objects, tools, gear, etc., are made to suit their comfort and capabilities.

Such arrangements put left-handed people at a disadvantage in various aspects. Therefore, a skill difference can be present when both parties have equal benefits.

Are There Golf Clubs for Both Types of Athletes?

Yes. Although only 5% of the golfers are left-handed, most renowned club manufacturers ensure that they develop products oriented toward both athletes. And this move is not surprising.

Precision and accuracy are critical in golf, and forcing a left-handed player to play with a right-handed club can significantly affect results. Hence, it’s a good thing that manufacturers have become more conscious of such matters.

There are two elements that differ under such circumstances.

1. Club Head

The hosel in a right-handed club tilts to the right side when the clubhead is placed on a flat surface. Since the balance for the other side is opposite, the hosel tilts to the left for left-handed clubs. This design difference is the only one for all club types except for putters.

2. Putters

Putters are the only club with several design differences for right-handed and left-handed people. The difference is that putters have a tilt in their shafts that affects performance. Additionally, the grooves of the right-handed putter will be to your left if you are right-handed, and the opposite will apply to left-handers.

The grip, shafts (except for in putters), and other parts of the clubs are unaffected by whether they are made for a right or left-handed golfer.

What Are the Challenges Left-Handed Golfers Face?

If it weren’t enough that the world is naturally geared against lefties, they also face unique challenges in the sports industry. Following are some of the most common problems left-handed golfers face.

1. Instructions Are for Right-Handed People

Most instruction manuals are prepared for right-handed people. Therefore, left-handed players have to conduct the mental labor of mentally flipping each instruction before applying it to get the desired results. Sometimes, even that is not enough to work out since other factors are at play.

The extra labor means they spend more time getting their work done.

2. Few Second-Hand Options for Clubs

Premium golf clubs have exceptional performance, but they aren’t always affordable when new. Hence, several players prefer to buy second-hand clubs instead of buying them new to save some money.

Additionally, manufacturers also discontinue making older models after introducing new ones. Therefore, anyone looking for older models will also need second-hand products to get their preferred clubs.

The only problem with both scenarios is that only 5% of the golfers are left-handed. Hence, the players are barely ever lucky enough to find the items they are looking for.

3. Glove Designs Suit Right Handed Athletes

Not all gloves are made equal, and this rule applies especially to lefties who are forced to settle for the few available options instead of getting ample choices. Unfortunately, that means the gloves don’t always facilitate and support their performance, affecting their swing precision.

Such circumstances put them at a disadvantage against a right-handed opponent.

4. Most Expert Advisory Is Right Centric

Most golf pros are right-handed; therefore, their advice applies to players with the same physical trait. Given the experiential nature of golf, the lack of adequate expert knowledge is a critical disadvantage.

Players don’t just need to practice the game; they need to be specific about their practice. Misdirected efforts will never reduce the handicap and only cause additional frustration for the player.

5. People Coming Within Swing Range

Golfers have a relatively wide swing range and are required to ensure they don’t endanger anyone during gameplay. The audience is knowledgeable and stays out of this range; however, they often adjust their position according to right-handed players.

Left-handed players’ swing extends in the opposite direction, so they often have to get people out of their range before aiming.

6. The Better Skilled Assumption

There is no proof that lefties are better at sports, but that doesn’t stop people from assuming. It can be incredibly frustrating for left-handed golfers to put in the extra work only for people to assume they are naturally better at the sport.

Final Thoughts

In short, there are more right-handed golfers than there are left-handed golfers. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and encourage you to check out the rest for more information.

Matt R.

Hello, My name is Matt and I'm the founder of Just Golfin'. This site is all about one thing... GOLFING!

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