So, we say that you have recently taken up golfing as a hobby… good choice.
This is a great sport, which you can enjoy in a calm and quiet environment. Since you are here, reading this blog, we can only assume you plan to hit a driving range to practice your strokes. As a beginner, it’s a great place to improve your game without breaking any windows… if you know what we mean.
Sometimes, a driving range is a part of a golf course, and we all know how exclusive golf clubs are. If you have one near your house that happens to be open to the public, good for you. Just make sure that it has a driving range because those are sometimes independent. If you have previously golfed with your buddies and loved the sport, you should add visits to a driving range to your practice routine.
Keep in mind that your practice won’t be free. First of all, delay your decision to buy a set of golfing clubs for a while. You will be glad to know that golfing ranges rent those out. They might not be in the best condition, but they will help you practice.
Practicing At a Driving Range
As we said above, practice at a driving range is not free. Usually, it costs between $8 and $10. Some have a fixed price of $17.
This cost is not for booking a range for a specific time frame but for the number of balls you will be hitting.
Driving Range Overview
On average, buckets of balls will include 10, 50, or 200 balls. Of course, the quantity varies from range to range. The buckets are divided into three categories, including small (S), medium (M), and large (L). The driving range is usually on the ground floor, but those with two floors offer you protection from the weather, such as rain and sun. In winter, some ranges heat their sections to provide golfers warmth.
You can also opt for covered driving ranges but keep in mind that they come with an extra cost because they offer you privacy. Some driving ranges offer gold bulls in jumbo buckets for an hour or two of consistent hit. However, in our opinion, you should practice within a limit so that you don’t get too familiar with the wrong hits.
Golf balls are available by the bucket because, to practice, you need to make multiple hits and figure out what stroke works best for you. Moreover, it’s much cheaper to buy balls by the bucket.
Swinging one ball after the other can be very tiring. We recommend you go for the medium bucket, as it gives you an adequate amount of balls for your practice session.
Here’s how many balls are available in a bucket according to their size:
- Small Bucket: 25 Golf Balls
- Medium Bucket: 50 Golf Balls
- Large Bucket: 75 –100 Golf Balls
- Jumbo Bucket: 200 Golf Balls
Things You Should Know About Range Golf Balls
Did you know that golf balls in the range have a shorter flight than a new golf ball?
There are a few reasons behind this. Let’s take a look at them:
Used Golf Balls
Driving ranges usually buy used golf balls. It helps them with the same money. You might think we are kidding, but golf balls get lost pretty often. If the driving range is big and you make high shots in a space where there’s no net, the ball will be lost forever.
Sometimes, mowers hit the balls, which destroys them, and then there are people who grab a few and hide them in their bags.
Replacing golf balls can be very expensive, which is why they are bought used. This helps them keep their expenses down. Since used golf balls lose their effectiveness when they are hit more, it becomes difficult to control their trajectory.
Limited Flight
One of the biggest drawbacks of used golf balls is that they are limited. As a result, they do not go as far as new golf balls. Since they get thinner with every hit, they stay within the range, which is something the driving range prefers. The lower the flight of the balls, the less they will be lost.
Let’s take a 260-yard long driving range as an example. Professional golfers can hit more than 300 yards. To ensure that experts stay within the lane, the ball controls the flight. So, no matter how hard the golfer swings, the ball will not go too far.
It’s essential not to practice with limited golf balls much because they mess with your swing and make it difficult for you to adjust it later. As a result, when you are on a golf course and playing with a new ball, you will automatically hit extra hard because the swing has been ingrained in your brain.
This is why you should pay more attention on swinging straight shots and work on getting the ball to the range’s target. Instead of thinking in terms of yardages, think about the goal.
Harder Golf Balls
Driving ranges usually go for hard golf balls. The reason behind their preference is that they make the hits more challenging. Meaning: They hold up better from being hit multiple times, which makes your practice successful. However, this is also a drawback because, again, you become accustomed to making hard hits.
This is why it’s better to practice your swing in the driving range rather than focusing on the distance. Instead, focus on taking good swings that feel right to you.
Final Word
Depending on the location of the driving range, the price of the golf balls will vary. For example, in a high-end golfing range, 10 balls will cost you $7, and in a local driving range, 25 balls will cost $3.
As you read in this blog, driving ranges offer used golf balls, and this is why it makes no sense to spend more than $5 at a driving range.