If you have recently discovered your love for golfing, have you thought about visiting a driving range? They can be quite fun!
A driving range is the place you usually go to practice your game. However, if you are just in the mood to make some hits and have a get-together with your friends, we highly recommend this open, green space.
If you fall in the former category, better put your game cap on.
So, what kind of tee and club do you plan to use?
Wait, what? You forgot to bring your clubs!
Well, lucky for you, driving ranges rent clubs. However, it’s possible they might not be up to your standards. You see… driving range clubs are usually outdated. They won’t give you precise hits but they will allow you to practice your game as a beginner, which is good enough. You will probably never see any professional with a rented club though, because they are quite particular about what they hold in their hand.
Some driving ranges allow golfers to rent clubs for free if they purchase a bucket of golf balls. You can either buy a handful of 10 balls or a bucket consisting of 20 balls. Keep in mind that since these clubs are not new, they will have some flaws, which will make your hits a little short and not have much power.
The best thing about renting golf clubs is that it allows you to test the game and find out whether you will develop a liking for it or not. A beginner set of golf clubs cost between $150 and $200. Hence, we suggest that you try out the game first and then make the purchase.
To see some of the latest and greatest golfing gadgets currently on the market just click here.
Driving Range Etiquettes
Now that you know driving ranges offer you the service of renting clubs, let’s take a look at some of the rules you need to follow while playing:
Watch Your Angles
You are not alone in the driving range. There are people playing, some waiting for their turn, and then the bystanders. Even though firing in different directions is fair game, keep in mind you are not standing in an empty lot. For the sake of everyone’s safety and sanity, try not to make cross-country shots.
The left side range is not for the far-right shots, and the same thing applies to the right side range.
Mind Your Divots
A driving range is not your personal playground. You are only here to practice, so don’t rototill the turf. Refrain from tearing up the grass patches just because you can’t make a perfect hit and are frustrated. Make sure your divots are perpendicular without digging deep in one place. The maintenance crew abhors these patches, so give them a break. Moreover, other golfers will appreciate your gaming etiquette.
The Bucket List
Some golfers tip the bucket just because they paid for the balls. Unless you plan to make every shot, we suggest you leave some for the person waiting for their turn. Do not leave the balls scattered in frustration because most of your hits were a miss.
Lower the Tunes
So, hearing music allows you to get in the zone. However, not everyone likes loud metal blasting while they are trying to concentrate. So, be mindful of those around you and try to be as quiet as possible.
Take Your Time But Not Too Much
Unless you are a masochist, who wants their hands to be blistered from hitting all the balls, we suggest that you give it a rest after 10 balls. There’s no point in hitting 30 balls in a row because your hits won’t be measured by the end. So, finish the bucket and let the next person have their turn.
Stay In Your Range
There’s a reason why certain areas are roped off. They were probably reset after a tough game and needed a little recovery time. Just because you know how to play and have bought an expensive set of golf clubs doesn’t make you entitled to roped-off areas. We suggest you stay in your lane, play the game by the rules and then move on.
Don’t Give Out Swing Advice
No one likes a know-it-all. Other golfers don’t want unsolicited swing advice. You might be killing a beginner’s enthusiasm by pointing out their flaw. So, resist the temptation. Your uninvited tips will make them feel overly scrutinized and discourage the struggling golfer.
Don’t Hit the Range-Picker
It can be very tempting to hit the driver who is simply doing his job in the range picker. You might see this as harmless target practice, but this is disrespectful. These people are serving you so that you can play the game without any obstacles and in peace. If you are into juvenile shooting, we suggest staying at home and playing a video game instead.
Minimize the Commentary
Yes, yes… you are a beginner, and you learned pretty fast how to make a perfect hit. Not everyone is like that. People are here to play and not have long conversations. Your monologues are not needed, and try to keep your groaning or moaning to yourself.
Give Them Space
Look before you hit and before they hit. Getting struck by a golf club is not fun. It hurts… A LOT! So, instead of standing close to a player, give them a wide berth. If you have taken two steps back, take two more just to be cautious.
Final Word
In conclusion, driving ranges rent out clubs if you purchase a bucket of golf balls from them. By following these driving range etiquettes, you will be able to avoid annoying other golfers.
Silence is golden, so keep the chatter to a minimum and only talk when asked something. Your unnecessary input is not needed. The point of coming to a driving range is to practice your hits in peace. Do not take a phone in front of everyone. Walk as far away as you can and let others practice without interference. Don’t forget to stay out of the hitting zones.