Can Golf Carts Drive In Snow?

Can Golf Carts Drive In Snow?

Cold weather in general can elevate the golfing experience for many, but the same cannot be said about snow or the frost. This is because many start wondering if golf carts can drive in snow without slipping or if the cart’s electrical system(s) can take it.

As long as you winterize your golf cart to protect yourself, you don’t need to worry about driving golf carts in the snow. Electric golf cars, just like gas ones, tend to run hot (though the former doesn’t get anywhere near as hot as the latter) and can therefore manage snow quite well.

However, there are a few considerations to make as well. For example, you shouldn’t leave the cart unattended in the snow for too long. If you are going to, make sure it isn’t turned off. 

Your cart will also be exerting more power. So, keep in mind that you will run out of battery relatively quicker.

Let’s look more closely at the concept to help you understand what it takes to drive your golf cart in snow.

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Can Golf Carts Drive in Snow – A Detailed Overview

A bit of snow shouldn’t get your golfing spirits down. Instead of keeping your cart in the shed all winter, you should consider winterizing your golf cart to make yourself comfortable. 

Your golf cart can take on snowfall, unless there is a snowstorm or a blizzard out there.

The primary constituents on your road towards winterizing your golf cart should be adding tarps around to create a ‘compartment’ for staying warm. Cover the top and sides with the tarp, and, if possible, attach at least 3 metal binder clips on the beams around. 

These should be able to hold on to the tarp. If the wind starts howling, add a few more.

As long as your golf cart remains on, you won’t have anything to worry about. In fact, if the engine and battery are under your seat, you can expect to stay slightly warm inside as well! What more could you ask for, right?

Another very important feature you should consider for your golf cart is that of winter tires, especially if the cart trail at your golf course is made out of asphalt or concrete. Black ice can be particularly dangerous as it can cause golf carts to slip and even roll.

Best Golf Cart Tires For Snow

You can also use different tires to use your golf cart in snow. These types of tires listed below will all help you get better traction when the weather out is bad. 

1. Off-road Tires

These tires give you good traction when the weather is mostly rainy with slight ice. The ice-covered paths and driveways should be easy to navigate, even with some ice on it. 

However, these tires are best suited for the first few snowfalls only. After that, once the snow melts and freezes over again because of the frost, it becomes a lot more slippery.

2. Snow Tires

These tires are usually studded, and the treads are much deeper. This is for when the snow is getting at least 3 inches deep. There is little to no risk of black ice at this point, especially because of these tires. 

The snow that gets lodged into the tires gives the tires more grip on the snow, and if you hit black ice, the snow gets dislodged and gives you some traction. 

However, at this point, you should consider driving slowly.

3. Chained Golf Cart Tires 

When all else fails, go with chained golf cart tires. They give you a much better grip of the cart path or driveway and eliminate the risk of slipping considerably. The drive may no longer remain as economical or as comfortable however. 

The chains will turn your golfing ventures into quite a bumpy ride. To be fair, though, large, chained tires on a golf cart do look pretty cool.

4. Knobby Tires

These tires are best suited for when the winter season is finally starting to relent. The melting snow will make it difficult to drive. The snow tires or off-road tires are best for when the ground is still relatively soft. By the time the snow starts melting, the ground will quite literally be frozen solid. 

Knobby tires are also best-suited for rainfall areas. The efficiency will still suffer, though.

5. All-terrain Tires

And finally, when things start getting back to normal, you should consider using all-terrain tires that allow multi-directional grip.

Driving your golf cart is one thing; parking it while you make your shot is entirely another. If it is still snowing, you should consider parking underneath a tree or shed to avoid having to clear snow off of the cart before driving.

If you must leave your cart in the snow, do not turn it off. Fight the urge to do so. If you turn it off, the snow might freeze up the terminals, battery chemicals, wiring, or other components. Frozen wires may also introduce increased resistance, which may lead to a short circuit or burned wiring.

During winters, it actually pays off to have more than one pair of battery(s) with you because of the severely impeded drive efficiency and since you shouldn’t turn the cart off. The backup battery can actually be lifesaving. 

People don’t often venture into the deep end of a golf course while it is snowing. Getting stuck may mean that you may have to call someone and wait for them alone in the cold with no other way out.

Final Thoughts 

While you can drive golf carts in snow, it is a good idea to winterize it first and have some sort of backup. Playing golf in rain and snow presents its own set of challenges and makes the game much more interesting.

However, with interest comes risk as well. There is a very good chance that you may end up slipping or getting stuck if you don’t take the proper precautions.

The question shouldn’t be as much as whether golf carts can drive in snow, but whether you should. Usually, golf clubs don’t let people go that far out in snow or don’t open at all because of player safety issues.

Author: Matt R.

Hello, My name is Matt and I'm the founder of Just Golfin'. This site is all about one thing... GOLFING!

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