Are Golf Skirts Skorts?

Are Golf Skirts Skorts?

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Not all golf skirts are skorts. You may think that all golf skirts are skorts because many women wear golf skorts instead of skirts. However, that isn’t always the case.

Golf skirts can sometimes be skorts as many female golfers find it easier to compete in these garments. However, not all golf skirts are always skorts because there are different apparel options for women who want to play golf or professional golf players.

What Are Some Factors to Consider When Buying Golf Skirts/Skorts?

When buying golf skirts/skorts, you should consider certain factors when buying golf skirts/skorts. We have stated some of the factors below:


You must know the type of material you want in your Golf Skirts/Skort. If you play golf in a denim skirt, you will be uncomfortable, which can hurt your game. Most golf skirts are made from a Nylon/ spandex material or a polyester blend, making the skorts or skirt more stretchy and flexible. You can be more comfortable when playing these sports as the material allows movement.

When you’re out on the green, you’ll be swinging your golf clubs, and you will have to bend down to pick things up. We find that the stretchy nature of spandex or nylon will prevent any major mishaps. It would be best if you also opted for golf skirts/skorts that are breathable and don’t make you feel suffocated. Many materials are sweat absorbent that helps you cool down. Thus, you can remain motivated and energetic when making your shots.

Length of Skirt

One of the major problems you’ll encounter when purchasing golf skirts/skorts is their length. Golf skirts can typically be between 14-and 18 inches long. However, there are always anomalies. In the olden days, golf skirts used to be longer. The LPGA has strict rules about the length of their skirts/ skorts. The shortest that they allow is 14 inches. The challenge for many golf skirts manufacturers is finding the right length of skirts that don’t overexpose the golfers.

Many manufacturers introduce golf skorts instead of skirts when dealing with much shorter options. One criterion you should remember at all times when shopping is comfort. Your outfit mustn’t affect your game.


Women like pockets in their clothing because of their undeniable convenience. People who don’t wear bottoms that have pockets in them severely regret it whenever they do. The deeper and bigger the pockets are in your skirt/skort, the better it will be. The pockets are necessary for storing tees, a ball marker, or any extra balls that you feel like carrying for yourself.

These skorts and skirts need to have pockets sewn in them so the player can perform more fluidly on the course. One of the major factors you should consider is that the depth of your pockets can affect your game. Thus, you should do your best to proceed with caution.

It would help if you went for a golf skirt/skort that comes with two front pockets and one back pocket to have ample space to store golf equipment.

Inside Shorts

If you’re not wearing a golf skort and instead have a golf skirt, you must wear inside shorts. They should include spandex shorts so you can play your shots comfortably without fearing exposure. Having spandex shorts underneath is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It will protect you from being compromised in situations like driving around in a golf car and bending down to pick up your golf ball.

LPGA informs all-female golf players they must have shorts underneath. However, many people have criticized the LPGA for this narrative as it appears discriminatory to many.


There are many different styles to choose from when you’re buying golf skirts/skorts. It’s necessary to identify all the different styles you may be interested in before buying a skirt or a skort. There are paneled skirts and skorts for you to choose from.

There are also ruffled skorts and straight skorts that you could opt for to feel a little better when you’re making shorts. You don’t have to give up aesthetics when looking for the best skirt. Instead, you can opt for apparel that offers aesthetics and function simultaneously.

You can also opt for options in different colors. However, many golfers keep it simple with their white skirts.

How Can You Differentiate Between Golf Skirts and Golf Skorts?

Keep in mind that golf skirts are not the same as golf skorts, even though they have been sued interchangeably in this article. The difference between the two is that golf skirts do not have shorts attached to them.

You have to wear short underneath when you’re opting for golf skirts so that you can move more freely. However, the skort is a garment that has been created out of a need for golfers and tennis players alike to perform well while adhering to the rules set by their ruling authorities.

Golf skorts are skirts in the front and shorts in the back. They allowed easy movement and were manufactured for the first time in the seventies. They were a groovy fashion trend back then that became very functional with the popularity of women in sports but especially in tennis and golf.

Golf skirts and skorts are some of the most common garments worn by female golfers. They are similar in that they are presentable and the appropriate attire for golfing for women.

Final Thoughts

Know that not all golf skirts are skorts. However, some golf skirts can be skorts. Golf skirts that have the attachments of shorts in the back are the ones you should opt for as they are comfortable. However, if you are still not comfortable, go for a golf skort that is much easier and more convenient to handle.

You should also know what factors to consider when buying golf skirts or skorts. You have to look at the material, the color, and many other factors before opting for particular golf skirts or skorts.

Matt R.

Hello, My name is Matt and I'm the founder of Just Golfin'. This site is all about one thing... GOLFING!

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